Fundraising and Support
There are a couple of ways everyone
can easily donate to the band program.

The BHSN Annual March-a-Thon, which occurs in early fall,
is the major fundraiser for the Marching Band.
Expenses include the music, show design, staff, transportation, guard costumes, etc.
Students pay about half in registration fees and request donations
from family, friends, and businesses to fund the remainder.
Please help us reach our goal!
If you’d like to support this fabulous activity, it would be much appreciated.
Use RallyUp link once posted here each fall!
On the RallyUp site you can search for individual students, sections, or contribute to the general March-a-Thon fund.

Support the band and earn Band Bucks for your marcher through the RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) program.
or download the RaiseRight app.
The enrollment code for BHSN Band: D296B4523L193.
​Once you’re enrolled, click “Shop” to check out the 750+ stores and brands available through RaiseRight.
Family members and friends can also use RaiseRight to support your marcher and put funds in their Band Bucks account, using the BHSN enrollment code.
The Janis Stockhouse Endowment Fund was established through the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County (CFBMC) as a means of providing much-needed support for the entire Bloomington North band program on a permanent and ongoing basis, regardless of economic times.
The proceeds from this fund will be available to fund items outside of the usual budget, such as rhythm section instruments and amplifiers for the jazz program, large woodwind, brass and percussion instruments for the concert bands, and special needs of the marching band.
Donations to the Janis Stockhouse Endowment Fund may be made online through CFBMC’s website. For other ways to donate, please contact the CFBMC at (812) 333-9016 or info@cfbmc.org.

During her tenure at Bloomington High School North, the Advanced Jazz Ensemble performed at the Midwest International Band & Orchestra Clinic in 1982, 1987, 2008, and 2018. Her jazz bands and Combos also were invited to perform at the IAJE and JEN annual conventions on 7 occasions. In 2002, the jazz ensemble and top concert band toured Europe for two weeks of concerts culminating with performances at the North Sea Jazz Festival and the Mid-Europe Music Clinic. Bloomington North’s Symphonic Band qualified for the ISSMA State Concert Finals 33 out of 35 years with two state championships and 30 top eight finishes.
The Patron Drive
Patrons’ names will be listed in
all of the year’s concert programs.
Platinum: over $500
Gold: $251 – $500
Silver: $101 – $250
Bronze: $26 – $100
Patron: $25

The Patron Drive is an annual event which supports North’s Jazz and Concert Bands,
as well as Marching Band and Winter Percussion.
Funds raised will help pay for items such as concert guest artists, JSOM coaches for students in chamber ensembles and jazz combos, new school instruments, festival and contest entry fees, music, mutes, percussion sticks, mallets, etc.
Be sure to to specify how you’d like to be listed in programs on the
“Review Your Donation” page.
You can enter "Anonymous" if you wish.
email info@bhsnbands.com
with questions.
Donations to the General Fund, which pays for regular annual expenses, are always
To make an online contribution to the General Fund, click below.