Information for Concert Bands

Concert Band classes offered at North are, from least to most advanced:

  • Beginning Concert Band (may not be offered every year)
  • Intermediate/Advanced Concert Band
  • Wind Ensemble
  • Symphonic Band

(What the course catalog calls ‘Intermediate Concert Band’ is often referred to as ‘Advanced Concert Band.’)

 Concert Attire

The following dress code is in effect for all performances by the Bloomington North Concert Bands. Make sure that you look nice and that you are comfortable in the items you choose.

Beginning and Intermediate/Advanced Concert Bands

Women – Solid white blouse (no extra colors or decor), black skirt or black dress pants, black dress shoes, nylons.

Men – White long sleeved dress shirt with dark-color straight tie, black dress pants, black dress shoes, black socks.

Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Women – All black. Very nice dress, skirt, or dress pants. Dresses and skirts should reach below the knees; upper arms should be covered.   Black dress shoes, nylons.

Men – Tuxedo jacket and black dress pants (jackets may be rented for a small fee from the school after school starts), white tux shirt (some may be available from the school – ask), black bow tie (provided), black dress shoes, black socks.

If needed, a white tux shirt can be be purchased at Hobby Lobby or used from a tux rental store. Do visit the latter at least ten days in advance. The shirts are thoroughly cleaned, pressed, and packaged like new, and have met State Board of Health standards for resale. Other stores, such as Kohl’s, may carry them too.
Marching Band shoes in good condition can be used for Concert Band.